Invite Your Area

Social Media Outreach

What We Do

We connect churches to their communities through simple, effective Facebook Ads. Most everyone in a church’s community has a Facebook account (most even have an Instagram account). Why not leverage social media and issue digital invitations to your church through social media ads that get results.

How Does It Work?

**Sign-Up for services

**Answer a few simple questions about your church and your neighbor

**Work out your payment information

**Send us any photos, logos, and information that be helpful in ad creation

How Much Does It Cost?

Month To Month Rate:

$325 Monthly Management and $200-$300 Monthly Ad Spend

6 Month Rate:

$1400 6 Month Management and $200-$300 Monthly Ad Spend

Questions? Use the contact form below and we will respond.

Sign Up now. Message us using the contact form above and pick your plan and sign up below. We will get back to you soon. Let us help you tell the story of your church to your community!

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